Study Finds Black Entrepreneurship Helps Reduce Youth Violence

We know well that the large disparity between whites and Blacks in the world of entrepreneurship is unethical and unjust. But there’s more to it than fairness: reducing the racial wealth gap can also reduce crime.
We know well that the large disparity between whites and Blacks in the world of entrepreneurship is unethical and unjust. But there’s more to it than fairness: reducing the racial wealth gap can also reduce crime.

According to a study in Urban Affairs Review, “a growth of African American-owned businesses was strongly linked to a reduction in Black youth violence between 1990 to 2000.”

There are two reasons for the strong negative correlation between entrepreneurship and crime rates. For one, entrepreneurship acts as a social buffer, where business owners serve as positive role models to guide children away from a life of crime. Adding on to this effect, as Black poverty is mitigated, many of the negative effects of poverty - including tendency to commit a crime - are mitigated as well.

While conservatives and the “All Lives Matter” crowd complain about youth violence in the Black community, they fail to realize that the economic solutions offered by the Movement for Black Lives are a way to achieve results  - as opposed to increased police presence and mass incarceration.

Economic Empowerment Wisconsin is trying to remove financial barriers for emerging entrepreneurs of color. Please join the movement and stay informed by signing up for our email list in the bottom right hand corner of this page.

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